In today’s fast pacing world technology is getting to its new height every day. It is revolutionary! When it comes to providing convenience and advanced living technology plays the role of a backbone for it, because it has brought so much to the world that nobody would have imagined. Getting everything at your fingertips, from getting food services to online banking technology has emerged as a savior, especially for the lazy heads who want everything to be done without moving from one place to another to get something done.

EBooks came with a long jump into this area and benefited people who dislike searching and reading for books in a library. It became easy for them to just get their electronic device started and read their favorite EBook on different platforms. What they do reading online is they keep an intact eye on the attraction of a book and what visually pleases them gets the reading.

If you are a writer and you want your EBooks to attract an audience and want to bring them to life, you need to add visuals and if you are unable to do that or not finding a way to do that then Zenbook is the best book writing services website that will surely help you to achieve that goal.

Importance of adding visuals in your EBook by Zenbook Writing:

  • We visualize everything we read, take an example if you are reading a book and the character is walking inside a jungle you will automatically imagine the scenario or there will be some sketch that will be made by your mind because it works that way.
  • Even when we hear a story from someone suppose, if we hear about an accident our mind will create the whole scene about what it would have looked like.
  • And when you read a book you imagine everything according to the protagonist in the story with their imagining their POV, see everything is about visualization that is how important it is for your EBooks to be visually appealing for the readers.
  • You give what they want, so they don’t have to visualize anything themselves if you will provide them with your specifications and you can place them wherever you feel the need and nobody knows your story better than you.

The following are the 7 reasons why adding visuals is important to bring your EBook to life:

  1. Everyone prefers visuals:

Visuals can help to better understand something as it includes images, videos, infographics, and other options that make the book more appealing and readers will choose a visually included book rather than a plain one. Zenbook Writing helps in these situations providing you with their best services, they have professional highly educated writers who have written multiple books that did exceptionally good work in the industry.

  1. Readers can connect through visuals:

We need to make strong connections in the EBook community between the readers and the writers; visuals can help. Visuals can not only be attractive and appealing but they can be able to do the best marketing for you. Because by connecting with the readers, they can re-share and get other readers connected to your brand or anything you are promoting or writing for.

  1. Grabs more organic visibility:

Google is evolving with time with its search engine so do the searcher’s interaction with it. Visuals like images are more likely to rank on top because the automated systems of Google have changed their approach and it shows and chooses to show the content which is more likely to be in the interest of the users. So the visuals can earn that place because it interests more people. After all, they can digest it more easily and have a keen interest in seeing than reading and get attracted to what visually pleases them.

  1. Visuals help in grabbing attention:

As we use social media a lot, we know how much time we spent on all the videos and pictures through scrolling still it doesn’t end till the time where we get something else to do, that’s how impactful visuals are, they grab your attention and you never get tired of it. If you want your EBook to be a bestseller you should add visual elements and represent your thoughts with these.

  1. Visuals are easier to remember or memorize:

You can forget a piece of information you read somewhere because when you read a book there is so much content in it that you can’t remember every single detail. But if there is a relevant picture or a video you would get it and will remember it for a long time. It is like somebody sent you multiple messages and you read them but will you remember everyone? No, but if there will be some messages that included images or videos or anything graphic you will remember them.

  1. Visuals are useful in Creating Leads:

Visual content may enhance engagement, and more interaction frequently results in more leads. Using good-quality, engaging rich media can strengthen the content and communicate with your audience. There is much evidence that consumers prefer viewing a video of evidence that consumers prefer viewing a video than reading a load of text while reading about an upcoming service or product.

Relevant rich media combined with the proper textual material may produce amazing outcomes. And driving leads with content marketing activities should always be the aim.

  1. Correct colors and fonts are very important:

To make your EBook visually appealing you have to make your content as catchy as possible. Use the correct colors for the cover page and text, because the first thing a buyer sees is the cover and the text written on it. If I take an example of a book that would demonstrate this will is Colleen Hover’s “It Ends with Us” cover which was visually pleasing telling the tale inside like a sneak peek into the content when you see it makes buyers wonder what will be in there, creating curiosity through visual appeal.

Remember if the fonts of your content are mismanaged or unpleasing the readers will immediately be distracted by that and they might stop reading because it triggers lots of readers to not have the perfect fonts. It should be aligned and if there is a change in the fonts then it should be smooth enough to not irritate the readers.


Above all mentioned things are the many reasons that should be considered when you write an EBook. Because it has a lot of margins the things you can do with it to make it appealing and sparks attention from the readers. When you will add the visuals you will automatically see the results. Zenbook Writing’s expert Book Designer can make your EBook more than alive if you want to avail of their services, along with other benefits, they can help make your EBook a special one for the readers to remember. It should be so distinctive with the visuals that readers could also get engaged with the content and could surely recommend your work to others so that your audience could expand.

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